- Communist Manifesto
- ист."Манифест Коммунистической партии"
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy. 2014.
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy. 2014.
Communist Manifesto — n. a pamphlet written in 1848 by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, summarizing their theory of, and program for, communism … English World dictionary
Communist Manifesto — (1848) A pamphlet originally published in London in 1848 as a declaration of principles and objectives of the Communist League, a clandestine organization of expatriate German artisans and intellectuals. In 1847, the Communist League… … Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914
Communist Manifesto — Communist Man|i|fes|to, The a book by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, written in 1848, which explains the main ideas of ↑Communism and describes how society would need to change in order to achieve this … Dictionary of contemporary English
Communist manifesto — (1848) Commissioned by the London Congress of the Communist League in November 1847, the Manifesto of the Communist Party was written by Karl Marx using Friedrich Engels’ drafts as a basis. It appeared in early 1848 at a time of revolution in… … Historical dictionary of Marxism
Communist Manifesto — noun a socialist manifesto written by Marx and Engels (1842) describing the history of the working class movement according to their views • Instance Hypernyms: ↑manifesto, ↑pronunciamento * * * a pamphlet (1848) by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels … Useful english dictionary
Communist Manifesto — a pamphlet (1848) by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: first statement of the principles of modern communism. * * * Pamphlet written in 1848 by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels to serve as the platform of the Communist League. It argued that… … Universalium
Communist Manifesto, The — ▪ work by Marx and Engels German Manifest Der Kommunistischen Partei (1848; “Manifesto of the Communist Party”), pamphlet written by Karl Marx (Marx, Karl) and Friedrich Engels (Engels, Friedrich) to serve as the platform of the Communist … Universalium
Communist Manifesto — pamphlet published in 1848 in which the principles of communism were first stated by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels laying the foundation for modern Communism … English contemporary dictionary
Communist Manifesto — /ˌkɒmjənəst mænəˈfɛstoʊ/ (say .komyuhnuhst manuh festoh) noun a pamphlet (1848) by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels; first statement of the principles of modern communism …
The Communist Manifesto — The first edition of the book, in German … Wikipedia
The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto — ist das wichtigste Werk des amerikanischen Ökonomen und Wirtschaftshistorikers Walt Whitman Rostow (* 7. Oktober 1916 in New York City; † 13. Februar 2003 in Austin, Texas). Es erschien 1960 in Cambridge und erlangte weltweite Beachtung als… … Deutsch Wikipedia